Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Extraction- continued (part-V)

Christopher...   Christopher...   Wake up....

Christopher WAN- "Oh..  I must have slept off..  Hmmmm...   Where was i???   Oh yeah...   "

Story continues.....

Soon Rajni saar and SHEELA were blinded by the dazzling blaze of light.  Cool isn't it?? ;)   
(Nice start genius...  after almost a quarter year of lay off, u come up wit dat...  Seriously?????)

Story continues....

Rajni- "Don't go any further. "
Quickly the other two slowed down, only to find out that they were standing at the edge of a cliff. There was no way out.

&Old man- "Oh wait. I know how to set this right.."  No sooner did he say this, he ran back inside, and opened up his laptop.
SHEELA- "Eh, What you doing doc?" she asked with her usual puzzled look.
&Old man- "I'm getting us out of here. You see, we just need to set the right path."

Both Rajni and SHEELA didn't understand a thing he said, so they tried to look at the comp to make some sense of what the old man was trying to achieve.

The screen looked something like this....

                                                                                                                                                                Courtesy- Picasa Web Albums

&Old man: "Now lets try that door again, shall we?", he chivalrously asked the beautiful lady to lead the way.

As they made their way out, Rajni could notice that something was bothering SHEELA.

Rajni- "What happened? You didn't look so troubled when we started our little journey."
SHEELA- "No No, nothing like that. I am just not sure as to where we're heading. With you alone, it was different. But now. . . . "

SHEELA- "And why are we going to the villain's room by the way??  Its like, we are running away from a vicious monster and jumping into a cliff."

Rajni- "Ahemmmm.... "  He was still pondering about what she said a minute before. He could never let anything happen to her.

After they trod on for a while hesitantly, they reached a room with a danger sign on it.
"Could this be it?? Their journey finally coming to an end. Is this gonna be the final encounter??  All his questions answered??" thought Rajni.

They quietly opened the door, and to their amazement the time machine was there, but there was not a soul at sight.
Rajni looking at his watch- "Well, what do you know..  They must have gone for lunch"
&Old man- "So, tell me.. How did you build this marvel?", there was a change of tone in the man's voice. He shut the door behind them. SHEELA was now certain that something really is wrong. (still she's not sure what that 'SOMETHING' is...   Man..  Gals are dumber smarter than you think ;) ;)   )

Rajni- "Ah..  So you're the one..  you're behind all this.."

&Old man- "No...   He's The ONE.  I'm WAN." and he quickly removed his disguise.
    ( Old man = Christopher WAN; )    (finally, pointer's initialized.. ;) )

Rajni- "But... But...   how's that possible.. You're the director man.. "

WAN- "What's wrong?? He can get away with making a dream within a dream, within a dream, within a dream, within a dream, within a dream, within a dream, within a dream, ( God I lost count of how many dreams!!!! ) , within a dream, within a movie..  And I can't make a diabolical, fiendish plot to take over the world for real, within a movie?? " 

Rajni- "Well, i guess you can..  But what is your plan??? "

WAN- "HMMMM......      Dude, a little help here....  "

Tejus- "TO BE CONTINUEEEEEEED........................ "

P.S: The idea of cancelling the words but still writing them, is sid's my own innovation. Lol :)  Check out his posts..  Way cooler than mine...    ;)

Probable comments due to the last line:
Pingoo- "Awwwww...  Gays;) "
Douche- "What a douche!"    ;)


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Weather forecast!!!

It looks like its gonna rain..
       clouds are crying, maybe showing its pain...

What could be the reason for its sadness this time?
       satirical to say that it is not on cloud nine...

Who wouldn't be, with the constant pressure of being pulled down?
       gravity playing its part, Newton's villain, dressed in a gown...

But the water shall rise up, to be a cloud again..
       the sun, anti-gravity, chose to work with utter disdain...

So, what can we learn from this little hymn?
       i can make even the Hydrological cycle, my blockbuster film...


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Extraction- continued (part-IV)


Even before the alarm was off, an armed band quickly made its way towards the room Rajni saar and SHEELA were in. Before our saar could react, the force had already besieged them.
"Arms up in the air, where i can see them" commanded an officer, pointing the weapon at them. Rajni could see the irony in the statement and smiled.

Rajni knew this was his chance. Maybe if he surrendered himself, he could get to know who is behind all this.

They were shoved into a room and before long, the door was slammed shut.
SHEELA- "OK!!!!  What just happened?", her voice was filled with anxiety.
"Girls i tell you, they're so slow", thought Rajni.
SHEELA- "Wait. Do you have a twin?"
Rajni- "Not that i kn...". Just when he was about to finish the sentence, they heard something and their minds diverted.

The room was dimly lit, but commodious. It kind of had a rustic appeal to it. Rajni thought how stereotypical it is, as it resembled a dungeon. Filmy, he thought!

There was an old man there, sitting in a corner. He looked like he had been held in captivity for ages.
Old man- "Ah.. Its been a while since i had any company. Have i seen you before?", he said wiping his glasses and placing them back.
Rajni- "Maybe!! But before all that, what is going on here? I need to get answers fast."
Old man- "Well, I am Dr. *******" (The name is kept under wraps, to maintain the curiosity levels and will be revealed later;) So, its "&Old man" till then. )
           (Remember pointers!!  Thats why '&' )

Rajni- "Ok &Old man, I need to know what is happening here. And what is the deal about the bodies out there?"
Old man- "OK. Well, since times immemorial, there have been speculations about an arcane society that is alleged to have some of the well known personalities as their members. Heard about it?"
SHEELA- "I'm bad at history. Could you please tell and not ask questions", clearly showing her displeasure at the old man's leisurely pace.
Old man- "Its A'priory of saiyan", he blared, expecting for a thunder to amplify his voice. It was unbelievably calm though.
He continued, clearing his throat- "Well, this occult group had members that were renowned in their respective fields. But they all had one thing common. They had the power of vision."
Rajni- "So, anyone who had eyes was in this occult group?", he jeered at the old man.
Old man- "Well yes, if they could look into the future."
Both Rajni and Sheela looked shell shocked.

Old man- "Yes, They could foresee the future. Everything that would happen, they would know about it. (A'priory...  Duh!!) They had this uncanny ability to do so, but had to keep quiet for the fear of being ostracized. They were all very good miners. They could mine into any time period, be it the past or the future and see.  Some even go to the extent of saying that they were ETs, but having humanoid features. "
Rajni- "So, all those well preserved bodies?"
Old man- "Yes. They were the A'priory. I don't know who is behind all this. But someone out there maybe wants to use the powers that the A'priory had"
SHEELA- "Like predicting who'll win the cricket world cup this time. I mean seriously, paul had a good run with predictions and all, but life span got to it. I hope India wins", crossing her fingers.
Rajni didn't know what amazed him more. The situation, or the knowledge he just gained about the mysterious group, or was it the levity and rambling nature of her thoughts. He was sure it was the latter.
SHEELA- "Or maybe the person just wants to predict the share market, you know quick bucks." She couldn't just stop at her predictions.
Rajni- "Ok. So you are telling me that those exhumed bodies are going to give out their powers to this someone?" (Seriously there are some things that even rajni can't believe;) )
Old man- "Thats my hunch." 

SHEELA- "What about Michael Jackson?"

Old man- "Er. That seemed like a technical glitch to me. You see, others were good miners. And MJ was good with minors. (don't get ideas;) ;) )  The band that you encountered with earlier, are not that sharp i guess."

Rajni- "Ok. Thats one of my doubts solved. But there was this other container, and strangely i was in it. Do you . . . " Rajni slowly stopped talking, as the old man started to stare at him.
Old man- "Are you telling me that. .   wait, this must be it. You are an A'priory member. A saiyan " (ET, finally an explanation;) lol)

Rajni quickly doffed his blonde wig, laughingly- "This must've thrown you off. I'm not what you just said."
Old man- "Then how do you explain your body in that container?"
Rajni- "Guess this dungeon has got to you. How do you explain my presence here, if my body is out there? Huh? "
Old man was stumped and he put on his thinking cap.
Old man- "Did you do something, that put your powers to realization?"
Rajni- "Well, i did build a time machine. "
Old man- "That explains it. We need to find it fast. We need to get out of here"

SHEELA- "Guys, maybe this door will help", and she quickly opened the door.
Rajni looked at &Old man, "How long have you been here?" he asked mockingly.

They quickly made their way out, only to be greeted by a dazzling blaze of light.

                                                                        - to be continueeeed..............

P.S: Once again, apologies for the crude jokes. May MJ's soul R.I.P........

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It feels good to run away from reality...   There's nothing like it...    

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Debauchery- thy name is India

Don't misconstrue the caption of this post. I'm not calling India, a country of drunken orgies and that the people here involve in gratifying themselves sexually. Though in fact we gave the world, the kamasutra, this post has nothing to do with it.

I'm trying to insinuate towards the more archaic meaning of the title, which is "Corruption". India would now be called a veteran, if the United Nations do make a sport out of it. Or if the Olympics committee adds this sport to their gamut, we would bag nothing less than a gold, (maybe they'll add platinum just for us) because right from a chaprasi to the government babu, everyone's a foul.

What caused this unpleasant situation?   I mean, can nothing be done without a bribe or influence. It seems we are at the Mercy of this Mercenarians(if i can call them so). There's a very old maxim- "Silence is Golden", but the present breed goes by this one aphorism- "Screw silence, coz Money Talks".

All this while, i've seen corruption first-hand (well, we all have...  else we aren't Indians!!!!), right from getting a simple khatha and encumbrance certificate so that we could sell our house, to my 'Rejection to represent a team, due to lack of an influence letter (or so to say, sifaarish)'. But still abetted this dread, else seriously no soul in the office will do your job. As a consumer, if you want to get something done, you'll have to shell out money. If you are not ready to pay them, be rest assured that you'll have to run more than your normal errands to get the job done in the first place. And well, ultimately end up paying more, due to sheer exasperation.

They all say that to solve a problem and extirpate it, we need to go to the roots of it, and destroy it from there. But this problem, is so deeply intertwined with the whole system of our nation, that eradicating it completely is unthinkable.

With this post, I just hope that with our generation, we all can at least try to stop indulging oneself at such malfeasance acts (grass-root level).

An earnest appeal- "Say no to corruption. Even better, if your at the receiving end of the dreaded courtesies."  

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Extraction- continued (part-III)

"What is the problem?", enquired SHEELA. She could descry that something was troubling our Saar. It was as if Rajni divulged all his emotions out to her, through his eyes. "You've got the key right?", she asked again, trying very hard to not look into his peering eyes. "Yes, but its not my type", said rajni. "OK, so what is your type?", SHEELA asked. Rajni didn't reply, he was trying to solve this puzzle. SHEELA repeated her question. This time, her tone was less flirtatious. "int is my type kanna." "I can typecast it, but that would make it so easy", he thought to himself. "You know what is perfect in our number system?" he asked SHEELA, trying to get the answer out of her. She looked blunt. "Squares. Perfect squares." he said. "Now imagine a square with the side equal to 7.14142843. What is the area it would enclose?" he continued frustrating her with such rhetorical questions. "Its Area 51" rajni exclaimed, showing his triumphant glee to her.
SHEELA- "So what now?"
Rajni Saar- "Next stop, Area 51". 

Both of them embarked on the journey, one that would save mankind. (Yes, i'm a chauvinist. And no, i'm not a pig ;) )
SHEELA- "So, what's going on? What are you really after?".
Her face was glowing with the sun's rays falling directly over it. Rajni was scared that it may tan her beautiful skin (which was by the way, neatly waxed with veet)
   (What???  I get paid for endorsements you see ;) ;)  Can't a guy make money around here?? ) 
Her hair seemed to be falling over her face, gently caressing her, as the mild breeze played its part. All of the nature's elements blended in perfectly, making the creator proud of his creation. God, rajni wished to stop the time, to bask in her sheer innocent beauty. Timeless he thought.
If not for her radiant smile, Rajni wouldn't have revealed the gravity of the situation to her. But he knew that she deserved to know what they are into now.
       Rajni- "Well, it all started with a call. I was told that a few eclectic organizations from different nations are conspiring in an evil machination to take over the world. God knows, who they are, what the scheme is and how they are going to execute it, but i intend to stop this."

SHEELA tried hard to stop staring at him, and to make sense of what he said. Clearly she was in awe of him. The feeling was mutual.
       SHEELA- "So, we just know that we're after something. But don't exactly know what we're after?" Her gaze was quizzical.
       Rajni- "Well, at least we know where to look. Its a start nonetheless!! Hope that Area 51 holds the answer."
       SHEELA- "Oh, know what, I've heard a lot about the place. They sell these amazing pastas there."
       Rajni- "What???  NO!!! You must have surely mistaken it with cane crush!!!! "
( once again, cheap ads;  but sarcasm all over it;) )

AREA 51:- Next scene.

The area was cordoned off with electric barb wires. Anyone coming into contact with it, would surely be killed. There were heat sensing cameras (Yes, spider cams were there too!!! ) that kept a constant watch over the entire area. Rajni waited for the night, because he could use the darkness and could easily blend in with it, creating a perfect camouflage. And also, he'd feel cold at night, thereby throwing off the heat sensing cams. His plan was that he would get in first, shut down all the cams and the main power supply to the fence, so that SHEELA can walk in without any hassles. Soon night approached, and he went on with the plan. In no time, both our Saar and SHEELA were inside.

All the rooms inside were securely locked. They needed a rf id to authenticate the individual entering.
       Rajni- "Wait here, i'll come back in a jiffy." And he was on his way.
After sometime, she could hear someone running towards her. She could only get an hazy visual of the person and so prepared herself to attack, if it were someone else. But it was Rajni, holding an rf id tag.
       SHEELA- "Where did you get that from?"
       Rajni- "The Chief proctor gave it to me. Nice chap. He only charged 500 bucks from me, but said it would take a month. So i had to build a time machine, go forward in time, get the id, then travel back in time and here i am :) "
       SHEELA- "OK!!!"
Rajni saar then quickly opened a room, amazed at what they found there. There were these huge plastic see-through containers filled with a fluid of greenish-yellow hue. These containers had the bodies of the eminent personalities that lived, preserving them perfectly. They walked across the containers of Adolf Hitler, Abe Lincoln, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Babe Ruth, Michael Jackson  and many more.
       Upon looking at one container, Rajni mumbled - "Poor Princess. She did not know what hit her!!".
       SHEELA- "WHO?"
       Rajni- "DIvisive ANAlysis, who else!!! She was overtaken by other efficient techniques."
       The next container left both of them perplexed. There was Rajnikant himself in it!!!!!

                                                                                             - to be continuueeeed.....

P.S: Humble apologies to the crude allusions made in this part. No offense meant. May their souls r.i.p...